Hartje Ginneken

About the client

Everybody knows the street BBQ or neighbourhood drinks underneath a small pop-up tent. The organizers of Hartje Ginneken (freely translating to Love Ginneken) wanted to give their neighbours a block party they wouldn’t forget. In 2016 a group of friends started talking about a high-end event where friends, families and neighbours could enjoy an afternoon of music, drinks and bites. Now, 5 successful editions behind us, this street party has grown into a widely known festival with the absolute top of the Dutch bands interspersed with fresh new sounds.

Clients wish

Hartje Ginneken commissioned Backbone to help them with the technical and overlay production. Backbone took care of the logistics, licences and permits, building plans and technical drawings.


Draww supported Backbone with their drawing solutions. Taking care of the 2D overlay drawings, the 3D entertainment production drawings and conceptual renders to give a first impression of the event area. There are a lot of facilities that need to be squeezed in a small space. Creating the output that can be used by all stakeholders and keeping the drawings clean and efficient was a nice challenge we happily accepted.


2D and 3D CAD drawings and conceptual impressions